Norman Fischer
Four Poems
More Than Before
At least as much as before
More than wanted or thought to
Or hurled words upon the soft
That one confesses pelting
Rawness without sorrow or wound
In this perfectly perfect painterly picture
Pervading permissible places with names
The low the high the bad the good etc.
To be shouted into storm
At least as much as before
Poem (marching orders)
No use trying to hide the plain-sight secret
Whose secret? Not mine, yours
The peripheral knows the peripheral speaks the peripheral
Slides out from the clammy cupboard so scummy in there so fly-blown
Then get born and picks up marching orders it’s all
Demarcated in advance so much time for so many
Steps each one deft according to the chart
Whether you take it
Or stumble back
Words remain bombastic and ironic the whole time you mouth them
As you stew in life’s duplicitous everydayness
Of obdurate stuff and uncooked emotion
Gray outside today as usual on windy California coast
One among the conceivable locations some daytime light
Moon and stars at night
Poem (song birds)
Control the children if you’re able
Can’t then get them back into their outfits
Ladies, please come forward
With your hand-held roses
Corruption presides over all the world
Under a yellow parasol
And then songbirds walk gingerly
Over corpses or other meathunks
As discovered later when people finally
Find gumption to peep out from under covers
Driven to that of their own unhappiness
That finally got too much, the unfairness of it all
Makes them weep they know not why
Wide world of whose making?
Mantled world masked by whom?
Noted duly and circumstantially inspired
In this duet I’m singing with you
In my male and female voices
A Riddle?
A fat monk
In bulky robes
Shaved pate
In slightly bent
It’s Australia
With a little happy
Cloud floating
It’s a person
Hair blown back
By wind
Looking forward
Resolutely in teeth
Of that wind
It’s two
Little clouds
Other, one
In foreground
One in distance
It’s 60 people
Sitting so close
They seem like
One large clotted person
It’s a brain
Outside a windowpane
A nationstate
A lake
As World Turns
There’s a reason for it
Far out in space perhaps
But I couldn’t know
That the way I’m tuned
So to self thought
Such local thought
This one, that,
So noble and fine
While birds around
Here flit cheerful
Fight over food just
Being alive
Birds come, go,
Dart all ways
Nest and breed as
Things do once they
Start I’m unsure of
Thoughts, words
Form them it might
Be me creates
World I have to live in
With others
Rub sticks together’s friction
Or fire if you’re
Or need the warmth
That burns you down
Norman Fischer
Norman Fischer is a poet, essayist, and Soto Zen Buddhist priest who has written and published steadily since the late 1970’s. Recent poetry titles include Nature, There Was A Clattering As… , The Museum of Capitalism, and Selected Poems 1980-2013. His Experience: On Thinking, Writing, Language and Religion was published in the University of Alabama Press Poetics Series in 2016. His latest Buddhist title is When You Greet Me I Bow: Notes and Reflections from a Life in Zen. He lives in Muir Beach CA with his wife Kathie, also a Zen priest.